Tell us who you are and what you do. Hi, I’m Liz Wegerer, and I run my own company called Island Girl Writing. I help small- to medium-sized business owners and entrepreneurs…
Career, Lifestyle, women, Working Women Wednesdays
We women are just natural go-getters, aren’t we? Many of us are inertly driven: at work, at home, in the community, and at the gym. The list goes on. It can be…
Researchers at the University of Virginia (wahoo-wah!) School of Medicine have discovered a fascinating link between increased probiotics and reducing the symptoms of depression in mice. It’s all very new and quite…
Originally published on @mindbodygreen on Februrary 8, 2017 (Just in time for Valentine’s Day! Love yourself better) At a time of year when the majority of resolutions have gone by the wayside,…
Beauty, Blog, Lifestyle
Following in Aphrodite’s Footsteps: A New Year’s Resolution for the Ultimate Goddess
It’s week 2 into 2017. How many of you guys are still hitting the gym? Cut your sugar addictions? As far as New Year’s Resolutions go, losing weight is perennially the…
What happened to lazing around at the beach or a park on Saturdays? Or church and a large family gathering on Sundays? That’s what I want to know. My weekends got hijacked…
In the Mediterranean, late Fall/early Winter is olive picking time. Truthfully, it’s not met with much enthusiasm. It’s one of the many chores, the labors of love, of living in God’s country.…
La Vie en Rosewater In the Mediterranean we try to use all natural products with a deep history of its beneficial uses, instead of relying on man or factory-made ones. This was,…
Why Islanders Have More Sex Posted on August 24, 2016 by Claudia Hanna WRITTEN BY: CLAUDIA HANNA This may be one of the best well-kept secrets of island living: we are *horny*…
A year ago today, my father-in-law succumbed to prostate cancer. It was a grueling 4-year battle that saw him deteriorate until all that was left of him was skin and bones. I…