Five Pillars

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After living in the Mediterranean for nearly 8 years, I realized that the girls out here know a thing or two about living. It’s not all about a quick buck, a long career, a fast night out, a slow kiss. It’s about taking care of one’s self and one another. It’s about cherishing relationships, our community, our family. It’s about getting involved in your community and caring for your neighbor. It’s about the village life and the beaches. It’s about eating well and nourishing our bodies, our children, our parents, our husbands, and our careers. It’s about connecting and having a life worth living. And oh, it’s about feeling good on the inside and looking good on the outside.

With that, I believe there were 5 Pillars for Goddess Living – to help us all live like a Mediterranean goddess – no matter where in the world we may be.